Cirium Diio - Traffic and Fares
Advance Bookings
FM Traffic
- How do you calculate the percentage of passengers on non-stop flights versus those taking connecting flights?
- Local vs Connecting Passengers by Airport
- When is FM Traffic updates available?
- How do I identify direct (non-stop) flights?
- How do you calculate distance in FM Traffic?
- What does POO mean?
Route Grader
Additional Tools
U.S. DOT O&D Reports
- How do I identify direct (non-stop) flights?
- How do you calculate distance in U.S. DOT O&D?
- What does POO mean?
- Why do the Fare Bands reported passengers numbers sometimes differ to the other O&D reports?
- What are Gross Fares and Net Fares in US DOT O&D?
- Local vs Connecting Passengers by Airport
U.S. T-100 Reports
- How are T-100 data reinstatements updated in our system?
- How do you calculate distance in U.S. T-100?
- Why are some carriers' scheduled departures reported as 0 in the T-100 data?
- Cargo metrics in T-100
- Reporting DOT T-100 errors
- Overview of T-100 Reports
U.S. DOT Form 41
Airline & U.S. DOT On-Time Performance Report
- How can I see international routes in the Airline Performance Report?
- Why are there less routes in the Airline Performance Report compared to the T-100 report?
- Why can't I see non-US carriers in the Airline Performance and U.S. DOT On-Time Performance Report?
- How is DOT On-Time Performance data reported in Diio?
- What are the calculations used in the Airline Performance Report?