Average Period Reported Hours
Total Reported Period Hours / No. of aircraft contributing positive cycles during the period (year/month/quarter)
Average Period Reported Cycles
Total Reported Period Cycles / No. of aircraft contributing positive cycles during the period (year/month/quarter)
Total Period Reported Hours
Total Reported Hours during the period only.
Total Period Reported Cycles
Total Reported Cycles during the period only.
Average Period Reported Flight Time
Cumulative Hours / Cumulative Cycles of during the period only.
Total Period Reported Utilizations Aircraft
Indicates how many aircraft contributed utilisation data as shown in 'Total Period Hours'.
Average Period Tracked Hours
The number of hours tracked during the period, averaged over the group of aircraft. Aircraft with no hours during the period will be excluded from the calculation.
Average Period Tracked Cycles
The number of cycles tracked during the period, averaged over the group of aircraft. Aircraft with no cycles during the period will be excluded from the calculation.
Total Period Tracked Hours
The number of hours tracked during the period.
Total Period Tracked Cycles
The number of cycles tracked during the period.
Average Period Tracked Flight Time
Total Period Tracked Hours / Total Period Tracked Cycles
Total Period Tracked Utilizations Aircraft
The number of aircraft in the period that have non-zero hours/cycles. i.e., the number of aircraft contributing to the Total and Average calculations described above.
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