Our list of airline and airport codes/names is sourced from IATA publications, and augmented with ICAO data, industry knowledge and colloquial names.
- If an airline has a 2-character designator, then the data comes from IATA.
- If an airline has a 3-character designator, then the data comes from ICAO.
- All airports are sourced from IATA information and use 3-character codes.
- We do not have any FAA or ICAO 4-character airport codes.
Unfortunately, the DOT often uses proprietary designators for airlines that file T100 and Form41 data. When possible we translate these DOT-specific codes into known IATA or ICAO designators.
Please note that many airlines and airports have lengthy legal names but are known by a common alias. In these case, we will often display the common name in reports, and cite the full name in the Reference>Airline report's "Notes" field.
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