You can add an Agent Trip Alert Email at either the account default level or at the Trip Group level if your group is using its own customized settings.
To add the email to your default Account Settings:
1) A system admin user will need to access Trip Center
Account Settings tab > select Manage Trip Groups
View all Trip Groups:
At the top of the list, click on 'Account Default'.
2) Paste the Agent Trip Alert Email under the area:
3) Click Save.
(Please note: Any Trip Group using your account's default settings will mirror this page.)
To add the email at the Trip Group level:
1) Account Settings tab > select Manage Trip Groups
2) Search for the Trip Group name or Customer ID and click Search.
3) Click on the Trip Group you want to add the Agent Trip Alert Email.
4) If the Trip Group is using your account's default alert settings, you'll want to turn on the 'Customize Trip Group Settings' option in the right hand side of the page:
After you do, the Agent Trip Alert Emails are now available for you to add.
5) If you're customizing the Trip Group's settings for the first time, you'll also want to ensure that all other settings are properly checked and reviewed:
Do you need Create Issues enabled?
Do you need Create Invalid Itinerary Issues enabled?
Do you need Traveler Trip Alert Enabled?
Do you need Trip Reminders enabled?
6) Click Save.
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