Cirium does not have access to any traveller details and we regret that we are unable assist you with this this type of information. Airlines will not give anyone access to passenger lists due to privacy, GDPR legislation and security reasons.
However, you are very welcome to use the tools on to track flights.
You will need this information:
1) Airline
2) Flight Number
3) Departure Date
4) Departure Airport
Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule to finding a lost person at an airport, but we understand this can be a very distressing situation. We have a few suggestions supplied to us by an airport that we hope will assist you.
An airline and airport have a combined duty of care to the lost passenger, so in the first instance, the loved one wanting to know should approach the airline's ticket sales/information/or even check-in desk. Upon explaining the situation they should ask for a message to be put out on the PA (in the native language of the lost passenger, if possible).
You can also ask that a message be passed to a specific seat number, which some airlines will accommodate.
Another way is to utilise the airport's customer service staff. Most airport's now have Passenger Service Agents (PSA), sometimes called 'floating helpers’ or 'Passenger Ambassadors’. Passenger Service Agents have the freedom to access all areas of an airport. You can pass details of passengers lost in transit (both facial and/or details such as clothing and also the flight information), then the helper may be able to find the passenger airside.
Please note, an airline will unlikely confirm any passenger details with you, but they can agree to pass on a message to a seat number or make an announcement.
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