- Java-based Schedule Mapper product visible to customers
- Ability to generate pie charts for Frequency of Operation, Seat Capacity, and Available Seat Kilometers based on results of specific fields such as carrier and operating airlines, origin and destination cities or regions and aircraft type
- Ability to select maximum number of pie segments within the pie chart
- Ability to use bi-directionality to see markets as well as individual locations
- Ability to show values as numbers or as a percentage of the market
- Ability to export Pie Chart Results into Excel
Schedule Mapper Capabilities:
Schedule Mapper maps the routes for the requested period (Month/Year) for flights operated from one or more specific origin airports or origin regions to one or more specific destination airports or destination regions. Results can then be filtered by airline (Marketing/Operating), alliance or miles, and data displayed by airline seat miles (ASMs), number of flights, number of seats, or number of seats per departure. Results and data can also be displayed in the form of pie charts segmented by route, origin and destination locations, or aircraft types.
Using Schedule Mapper:
Within the Inputs menu, users specify the airline(s) or alliance, origin airport(s) or origin region, destination airport(s) or destination region, and the time period to display routes for flights between airports. Marketing and Operating Airline(s) fields can contain individual airlines, groups of airlines, or airline alliances in either Airline name or Airline code formats. Origin and Destination fields can contain individual airports, airport groupings, cities, or even regions. Airports can be either airport name or airport code formats. Specifying Stage Length Miles, Stops, or a seat range will restrict the output to planes meeting the specified criteria; similarly, identifying an equipment type will restrict the output (Equipment type cannot be used as a sole input criteria). The Exclude symbol can be used with airline, origin, destination, and equipment fields to designate “all except”. Enter or press the Click to Update to display the results.
Once results are displayed, the user has a number of options:
- Fields input: Allows users to display information on individual routes based on 4 categories- Marketing or Operating Airline, Alliance, or Miles. The information displayed can include Airline Seat Miles (ASMs), number of flights, number of seats, or number of departures. Rolling the mouse over an applicable route will display the information for that route.
- Legend/Sort: Allows users to filter and sort resultant field input information on the map, as well as display additional information about the field data. The View checkbox is used to show or hide routes on the map, while the Sort By and Selection drop down boxes allow for sorting results and selecting top 25%, 50% or user defined selection.
- Options input: Allows users to change colors and projection types, as well as set defaults for display type (code, airline/airport or both), text and line size, and other mapping options. Note: Expressing distance units as Miles or Kilometers is selected in “Account Settings” under the “User” tab in the top menu.
- Pie Charting (NEW!): A recent addition to Schedule Mapper is the ability to display results in a pie chart as either numbers or percentage. By default, the pie chart displays top 10 numbers for frequency of operation, seat capacity and available seat miles by Route. Options are available within the pie chart window for users to segment by origin, destination, or manufacturer. User may also increase/decrease number of segments, or show the value as a percentage of the whole. The pie chart icon is located in the layer tab just above the map.
Using Layers: Schedule Mapper allows the user to create and overlay multiple map layers displaying different routes. The tab for the active layer is highlighted and control panel inputs will apply to that layer only. Layers can be hidden or made visible by clicking on the "eyeball" icon in the individual layer tab. The pie chart is applied to the active layer only and does not aggregate multiple layers.
Query Options | Details |
Marketing Airline(s) | Use this field to concentrate on one or more specific marketing airlines or alliances. You may insert multiple airline codes here. If you leave this field blank, then data will be returned for all airlines. When entering multiple airlines, be sure to use one comma to separate each airline code (e.g. "UA, AA, DL"). |
Operating Airline(s) | Use this field to concentrate on one or more specific operating airlines or alliances. You may insert multiple airline codes here. If you leave this field blank, then data will be returned for all airlines. When entering multiple airlines, be sure to use one comma to separate each airline code (e.g. "UA, AA, DL"). |
Origin | These are the origin airports on the route(s) you would like to examine. You may select one or more airports, airport groupings, metropolitan areas, or regions for this field. You can select by code or by airport, city, or region name. When entering multiple values, be sure to use one comma to separate each code (e.g.: "LAX, NYC*,LHR"). |
Destination | These are the destination airports on the route(s) you would like to examine. You may select one or more airports, airport groupings, metropolitan areas, or regions for this field. You can select by code or by airport, city, or region name. When entering multiple values, be sure to use one comma to separate each code (e.g.: "LAX, NYC*,LHR"). |
Stage length | If you wish to restrict the output to only flights traveling within a certain distance range then enter non-negative integers for the minimum and maximum values of the desired stage length range. |
Stops | Use the Stops field to indicate whether you would like to see data for non-stop flights, flights with a stop, or both.
Seats between | If you wish to restrict the output to only contain schedule data for aircraft with a specific seating capacity range, then specify the desired minimum and maximum values in the two input boxes. |
Equipment | If you wish to restrict the output to only contain schedule data for a specific type of aircraft, then use the Equipment field to select that particular aircraft code (e.g. "100", "141", "142"). |
Show restricted flights? | Check the box here to show all routes which are flown, including flights which a carrier operates, but for which they do not have local rights or have filed some kind of restriction. Leave this box unchecked to only show the routes for which a carrier is authorized to sell tickets. |
Include bi-directional data | Check the box here to limit the results for both directions: from the origin airport or country/region to the destination airport or country/region. Leave this box unchecked to see results for one direction only. |
Service Type | Select the service type for your report. This will limit the results to only those service types selected. Options are:
Travel period | Select the travel period for your output by month and year. Travel period extends back through 2000 and forward to 11 months in the future. Default travel period is current month. |
Data Source | Select the data source for your output. Options are:
Explicit Routes:
Explicit routes enables you to display a route on a map that may not currently have scheduled flights. Enter routes in any of the three Explicit Routes boxes in the format XXX-YYY. You may enter non-stop or one-stop routes. You may also enter multiple routes separated by a comma. Routes will be displayed on the map.
Please note: system will draw approx. 150 or so routes in a single operation, but anything above that you may see issues with populating routes in the Schedule Mapper tool caused by the amount of server resources required. We therefore recommend that you reduce the number of routes you are adding in a single operation.
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