Report Capabilities:
The FM Traffic O&D Summary report shows details for all routes servicing the specified origin and destination airport. The results can be summarized across all itineraries, or expanded to show each unique way of getting from the origin to the destination, including up to five connection points. Results are broken down by airline to show the dominant airline for the itinerary and the marketing airline for each leg. Values shown include total traffic passenger estimates and market share of those passengers, average fare and revenue.
When using this report specify the airports and travel month, to display industry traffic levels by origin and destination. The report can return data in per day or per period (month, quarter, or year) granularity and may also be filtered by Service Class. You can run directional reports to return data for only flights going from the origin to the destination or non-directional reports which average figures from both directions of travel together. If you are examining an origin/destination combination with an overwhelming number of possible itineraries, then you can filter out the less-travelled itineraries by selecting a minimum cut-off percentage from the "Only show details >" menu. Data for all of the miscellaneous less-travelled itineraries is aggregated together into the "OTHER" row.
Origin Codes:
This is the origin airport(s) in the route whose itineraries you are examining. All itineraries will begin at one of the queried airports. You must enter at least one 3-character airport code here, and you cannot leave this field blank. When entering multiple airports, use one comma to separate each airport code (e.g. "LAX,JFK,LHR").
Destination code(s):
This is the destination airport(s) in the route whose itineraries you are examining. All itineraries will end at one of the queried airports. You must enter at least one 3-character airport code here, and you cannot leave this field blank. When entering multiple airports, use one comma to separate each airport code (e.g. "LAX,JFK,LHR").
Show Connect points?:
Select the checkbox if you would like to see up to 5 connection points in the report's output columns. These connection point columns will be labelled "Stop #1", "Stop #2", etc. If fewer than 5 connection point columns are included in the report, then that means that none of the itineraries shown have more stops than the number of connection points shown. Checking this box also reveals the airlines which fly between each of the airports along the itinerary.
Only show details:
Select a market share percentage here to serve as a minimum cut-off for filtering out the less-travelled itineraries for the origin/destination you are examining. Data for all of the miscellaneous less-travelled itineraries with market shares less than the cut-off selected here is aggregated together into the "OTHER" row in the resulting O&D report. For example, if you selected "1.0%", then any itinerary that served less than 1.0% of the people flying from Origin to Destination would be combined together into the "OTHER" row of your O&D report
Show RPM’s:
Indicate whether you would like to have passenger and revenue figures returned on a "per day" basis, or on a "per period" basis.
Per Day
Data in the passenger and revenue columns will be expressed in daily totals, showing passengers per day and revenue per day.
Per Period
Data in the passenger and revenue columns will be expressed in monthly, quarterly, or yearly totals, depending upon the Report type you have chosen. Setting Report type to "Twelve Month Sum" shows passengers per year and revenue per year, while setting Report type to "Requested Quarter", "Compare Two Quarters", or "Quarterly Time Series" shows passengers per quarter and revenue per quarter, and setting Report type to "Requested Month", "Compare Two Months", or "Monthly Time Series" shows passengers per month and revenue per month.
Choose whether you would like to generate a report which only shows traffic flowing one way, from origin to destination, a report which shows traffic for both directions of travel, with origin to destination routes and destination to origin routes (possibly shown on separate rows or totalled together), or a report which averages traffic for both directions of travel together into one set of rows.
Directional (one way)
Limit the results to only showing one direction. Only data from the origin(s) to the destination(s) will be presented on each line.
Bi-directional (both ways)
Show separate figures for both directions of travel. Data from the origin(s) to the destination(s) will be presented on some of the lines and data from the destination(s) to the origin(s) will be presented on other lines.
Bi-directional Total
Show figures for both directions of travel aggregated together. Data from the origin(s) to the destination(s) will be summed together on the same line with data from the destination(s) to the origin(s).
Non-directional (merged)
Data both from the origin(s) to the destination(s) and from the destination(s) to the origin(s) will be combined and presented on each line of output as an average of the two directions.
Service Class:
Choose one or more of the classes of service to concentrate on in this report:
- All Classes
- First Class
- Business Class
- Full Economy Class
- Discount Economy Class
- Other Classes
Each choice will filter your results to only include flights of that class category. By choosing more than one Service Class, you aggregate data together for all of the Service Classes chosen. Hold the CONTROL key to select multiple items.
Travel Period:
Choose whether you would like to generate a report for only one specific month or quarter, a report which compares data for two different months or quarters, a report which lists data for each month/quarter between a start and end month/quarter, or a report which consolidates data together for the entire year culminating in a specific month. Note that when Compare Two Months/Quarters or Monthly/Quarterly Time Series are selected, an additional set of Month/Quarter and Year fields is displayed, and these must be set to the desired comparison period.
Single Month
Show data only for the month specified by the Month and Year fields.
Range of Months
Show data between the months specified by the Month and Year fields.
Compare Two Months
Show data for the specified month and year, versus a comparison month and year side by side. In this case, extra columns are added to the table of results showing both the absolute difference between values for each month and percent change of these values.
Monthly Time Series (Across)
Shows a time series of data between (and including) the two months chosen. Each month in the time series is given its own set of columns extending across the report table, and extra columns are added to the table to show the consolidated totals for all months queried.
Monthly Time Series (Down)
Shows a time series of data between (and including) the two months chosen. Each month in the time series is given its own set of rows extending down the report table.
Single Quarter
Show data only for the quarter specified by the Quarter and Year fields.
Compare Two Quarters
Show data for the specified quarter and year, versus a comparison quarter and year side by side. In this case, extra columns are added to the table of results showing both the absolute difference between values for each quarter and percent change of these values.
Quarterly Time Series (Across)
Shows a time series of data between (and including) the two quarters chosen. Each quarter in the time series is given its own set of columns extending across the report table, and extra columns are added to the table to show the consolidated totals for all quarters queried.
Quarterly Time Series (Down)
Shows a time series of data between (and including) the two quarters chosen. Each quarter in the time series is given its own set of rows extending down the report table.
Twelve Month Sum
Show consolidated data for 12 months up through the month specified by the Month and Year fields.
Month Year:
The Month and Year are used to target your report on a specific period of time. You must specify the Month and Year which you wish to examine.
This report can be run as HTML, Text, TSV, or Excel.
Drilling Down:
If you generated the FM O&D Summary Report in HTML or Text Output format, there are several ways you can use links from the report to "drill down" into additional information in more detail:
- Clicking on a 3-character airport code in the title of an HTML or Text-formatted report generates an Airport report which shows you more details about an airport.
These options are only available in the HTML Output format, where they are accessed by clicking on links in the appropriate column:
- Stop #1, Stop #2,
Clicking on a 3-character airport code in the Stop # column generates an Airport report which shows you more details about an airport. - Dom Al, Al 1, Al 2,
Clicking on a 2-character airline code in one of the Al columns generates an Airline report which shows you the full name of the airline.
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