Sometimes you need to include the same set of airlines or airports in your queries. To help with this, we have pre-created many popular Groupings for you.
Airline Groupings
Airport Groupings (see also: What are Airport Groupings? )
Region Groupings
Market Groupings
Equipment Groupings
You can access these predefined groups via the User menu within Diio Mi or SRS Analyser:
All predefined groupings have no owner listed, include an astericks (*) at the end of the name and the trash icon is gray-out, indicating you cannot delete the grouping.
Here are the Default Airline Groupings:
Here is a sample of the Airport Groupings:
Groupings can be used in the report's input field that matches that type of group.
Here is an example of an airport grouping being used in the Origin field:
You can also combine multiple groupings in the same report and in the same field. Below we have all Sky Team Alliance carriers that fly out of the New York or Boston metropolitan areas:
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