To see International routes in the Diio Mi O&D and Airline Performance reports, you must receive permission from the US Government on an annual basis.
You will need to apply with the U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (“BTS”) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (“RITA”) to access their restricted International Origin and Destination (“O&D”) Survey (DB1B) data.
In order to get access to this restricted data, you have to apply with the U.S. DOT BTS RITA office. If you are not an airline or an airport, you’ll also have to get one of these entities to vouch that you need access in order to assist them.
You have to read and fill out the attached form, and draft up a letter that you can customize for your organization with the attached template. It doesn't really matter who from your organization makes the request on these forms, so there’s no need to get approval from your CEO. It’s probably better if a user of the data is the one making the request. This letter template is for airlines and airports, so you’d have to modify a bit for your situation if it does not apply to your organization.
Page 2 of the Certification form explains the restrictions in more detail.
Once you fill out and sign these two documents, you have to go to the DOT website:
At this website, you need to login, submit the forms, and say that Diio is your supplier.
Once the DOT approves your request, you’ll receive an email with the approval document. Please forward that document to, so that we may enable your access.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Does the paperwork or certification change every year?
No, it is the same every year.
2) Is DOT International O&D access only approved on a year basis?
Yes. You can apply for next year's access as early as a few months ahead of time.
3) Why am I not able to see non-US carriers in the International O&D dataset?
DOT's International O&D data only includes US carriers on international routes. You may see some non-US carriers as codeshares, but only if the ticket is sold and marketed by the US carrier.
4) Can you complete my International O&D access request for me?
Unfortunately, we're unable to at this time. Please follow the instructions above to submit your request to DOT.
5) How do I get an airline or airport to vouch for me?
If you’re not an airline or an airport, you’ll also have to get one of these entities to vouch that you need access in order to assist them. A member of an airline or airport company will need to write a letter addressed to the DOT and have it submitted with your International O&D request indicating that the airline or airport supports your request for restricted international O&D data.
6) We haven't received our approval letter yet, can you provide restricted access while we wait?
No, we cannot provide you with access without the letter from the U.S. Department of Transportation stating you are now approved to have access within the year. The DOT requires that you apply for their restricted International O&D access. We cannot make any exceptions at this time.
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