Unfortunately, T-100 data is only reported at the Total Onboard level, not by cabin. Our schedule reports have cabin breakout data should the airline provide that optional information in the SSIM file.
Articles in this section
- How are T-100 data reinstatements updated in our system?
- How do you calculate distance in U.S. T-100?
- Why are some carriers' scheduled departures reported as 0 in the T-100 data?
- Cargo metrics in T-100
- Reporting DOT T-100 errors
- Overview of T-100 Reports
- Why can I not see Canada to International flights in the U.S. DOT T-100 reports?
- Is there a way to breakout cabins into premium and economy when looking at T-100 data?
- How do I run Cargo reports? I’m interested in learning the tonnage to/from ICT, and if possible, where the cargo is going and where it is from.
- How does Diio associate marketing carrier with operating carrier in T-100 data?
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