The "not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin" message indicates an AJAX request being blocked by the browser/sandbox for security purposes. This can be bypassed by using our "jsonp" end-points (simply replace "json" with "jsonp" in the REST request). Note that the result is in the form of a javascript function call -- the name of which can be specified using an optional parameter "callback". Here is an example JSONP invocation:
Here is some further reading on the subject:
For security reasons, the Developer Center APIs do not support CORS and we do not advise customers to call the APIs directly from a browser since you are passing authentication information to our servers. Doing so would potentially expose your credentials to third party servers/websites. Alternatively, many customers create a proxy server as a workaround -- one user reports they added this to their proxy header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); We strongly recommend creating a proxy server.
We do not have specific recommendations since it varies by customer environment or software framework and suggest consulting the documentation of your framework.
Here’s a link to an article for further explanation on the CORS issue:
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