Each time our system attempts to charge the card associated with your account and fails, you will receive an email. For security reasons, this email will only tell you that there was a problem making the charge (not why it failed). Please follow the link in the email to update your billing information.
In the normal billing cycle, we will make three attempts to charge your card, each a couple of days after the other. If your bill remains unpaid and your bank is unwilling to accept the charge to your card, we may contact you or suspend your access to the APIs. We recommend contacting your bank if your credit card fails to process. Once resolved, please contact our Help Desk for assistance with recharging your card for the unpaid balance.
Here are some of the common reasons your card could fail:
* Insufficient funds
* Some banks will reject charges based on location
* Some banks will reject charges based on their own fraud rules
* Temporary block on card due to previous transaction activity (often times, this block will clear up within 24 hours)
Please contact your bank for more details regarding this decline.
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