If the flight alert is for a flight today, click on the flight in the upcoming flights list. Make sure your email address is correct.
Once FlightStats has sent out a notification about the flight, the alert will show up on your history page. Click View History on the Flight Alerts console to see its history. Find the flight alert in question and click on it.
A detailed report of every message that FlightStats has sent for that flight will be displayed as well as delivery status. The delivery status will be delivered, if the message was correctly sent from FlightStats. If marked delivered, but you did not receive a message, then this usually implies a problem with your mail server, or just a general delay in delivery.
If you see an automated Bounced message, then your email address is most likely incorrect.
If you see Marked as Spam, then your spam filter refused the email and you will need to make sure that your Spam Filter does not block emails from Flightstats.com.
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