In most reports in Diio Mi and SRS Analyzer, you can limit your results to airlines of particular interest:
After typing an airline code or part of a name, you were presented with a list of potential carriers that matched your search criteria, and you could select the one(s) you wanted:
However, the way the results of the queries were determined was based on the IATA or ICAO codes of the airline you selected. As an example, searching for "CA" would provide the choice between Air China or Air China Cargo:
... but running the report would work the same in both cases, as the important part was the airline code.
We have recently released an upgrade to the way in which the search function works, which will disambiguate between the two cases. Accordingly, running a search for Air China Cargo will no longer return passenger flights by Air China, and vice versa. The output section of the reports will include the code that disambiguates the two:
How does this affect my saved and scheduled reports?
As part of the release of this fix, all saved and scheduled reports have been updated to use the new system. That means that your saved reports will continue to work the same way they always have. If you previously had a saved report that used a controlled duplicate airline code, it will be updated to explicitly include all of the airlines with that controlled duplicate code. The results you get from the tool before and after the change should be identical.
However, going forward, you can edit your old saved and scheduled reports to remove the airlines you don't actually want in the results. And, similarly, all reports you save or schedule in the future will leverage the new system.
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