Cirium Sky™ Stream requires a solution that is compliant with Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) v0.9 protocol. AMQP is an open internet protocol that allows a reliable exchange of messages between two parties and is supported by all major technologies, e.g., Java, Pyton, C, C++, PHP, Node.js.
Queuing technologies, such as AMQP 0.9, require a persistent connection between your system and Cirium Sky. Once you have connected, data will be available for consumption as soon as it is published from Cirium's internal publication systems.
POLL for available messages
FOR EACH message
DO business logic on the message
ACKNOWLEDGE the message
UNTIL disconnected
As shown above, each message is processed by your business logic (which can be as complex or as simple as required). Once you have finished processing the message you are required to send Cirium an acknowledgement showing you have processed it. Cirium will keep track of the messages you have acknowledged, guaranteeing that a message will be sent to you at least once.
If a disconnection happens for any reason (e.g. network issues), as Cirium tracks the messages you have acknowledged, you will be able to reconnect and continue consuming from your last position in the queue.
Note: Messages have an expiry time of 30 seconds. If messages are not read before their expiry time they will be deleted from the queue to ensure quality of service for all customers.
Connection Details
Customers will be able to ask their My Cirium admins to request new credentials through the portal, see here how to do manage credentials. These credentials can then be used in your systems for access to Cirium’s streaming solution, Cirium Sky Stream.
The credentials will be unique for the user and will consist of 6 key parts:
Identifier or username
Secret or password
Virtual Host
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