The Flight Alerts feature allows you to setup, deactivate, and delete flight alerts, as well as see the history of alerts sent to you. To use the Flight Alerts feature, login and select Alerts from the Flights Menu.
To start monitoring a flight, enter an airline, flight number and date The top of the screen displays some details about the flight to ensure you are selecting the proper one.
Under the flight information is a text field that allows you enter a specific description for the flight. Say you are a limo driver, you may want to enter the name of the passenger you are picking up. Or, if you are watching a traveler, you may want to enter the traveler's name. Or you can just leave it alone and use the default description.
Next you need to pick the type of messages you want to receive. If you are dropping a passenger off at the airport, and are only interested in departure related information, select Departure Messages. Similarly, if you are picking up a passenger and only want to know about information related to the arrival, select Arrival Messages. If you are travelling, select Traveler Messages and we will only send messages that matter to you as a traveler. If you want to receive everything, then select All Messages, though please note that this means you will receive a lot of messages.
Finally, pick where you want your alerts delivered. The default settings are stored in your profile. You can update them by clicking on My FlightStats in the upper-right corner of the screen and then selecting My Account.
To pick a different email address, simply start typing in the email address field. When done, press Save Alert and FlightStats will begin monitoring this flight for you.
To turn off messaging, or stop monitoring a flight, select the flight from the upcoming Flight Alerts list and click the Delete button. If we have already sent messages for the flight, you will only be able to prevent further messages from being sent.
Finally, to see a history of flights that we have monitored on your behalf, click the View History button. Some general metrics are shown, as well as a list of the individual flights. To see what messages we have sent for a specific flight, click the flight in the listing. This will show all the messages we have sent and if there were any delivery issues with those messages.
Flight Alerts are available only to subscribed customers. Customers with a Basic Subscription can create up to 25 rules per month. Professional users can create up to 250 rules per month as part of their subscription. Additional flight rules can be purchased at any time.
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