We deduct a credit when you see the details of a particular historical flight, and you have not previously looked it up. If you look up a historical flight that has more than one hop in the same day with the same flight number, we deduct a credit for every flight you view. This is very common for hub and spoke flights and also for carriers like Southwest that hop the same flight number across the country.
Articles in this section
- Can you tell me more about the Historical Flight Status feature on FlightStats.com?
- Do you show on-time, delay or cancellation information in the Historical Flight Status By Route/Airport listings?
- Can I see all historical flights departing or arriving a particular airport?
- Can I see all historical flights on a particular route?
- What if I don't know the historical flight number?
- Can I use this information for passenger claims against the airlines?
- At what point does my historical flight lookup allotment get deducted?
- If I cancel my subscription, what happens to my reserve allotment of historical flight lookups?
- Do reserve credits expire?
- What is meant by reserve credits?
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